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Career Changer
Making a Career Change

It can be hard to muster the courage to make a career change. Switching careers may bring about some challenging obstacles to overcome. However, a fresh start may be just what you need to feel reenergized and meet your full potential professionally. If you are looking for career change ideas and decide to take the leap, Candid Career has videos that can help facilitate a smooth transition.

What Career To Choose

The first thing you will have to determine when switching careers is what you might be interested in doing. The possibilities seem endless as new career fields pop up each year, joining the more traditional jobs that have stood the test of time. With thousands of jobs featured on the Candid Career platform, our videos are an efficient way to analyze your options. Each video is roughly 90 seconds long, which is why we like to think of our platform experience as a “window shopping” of careers. In a short period of time, you can learn more about the jobs you have heard of, and discover jobs that you did not even know existed. So if you are looking for career change ideas, look no further. And few research options are more fun than simply watching short videos!

Job Description
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist
Finding Success
Loves & Challenges
Golf Caddy
Golf Caddy
How to Prepare
Technical Recruiter
Technical Recruiter
Getting Up To Speed

Once you identify a career you’d like to pursue, you will need to educate yourself on the particulars of the job and industry. The more you know, the more prepared you will be to speak with recruiters and hiring managers about making your career change a reality. Each of our filmed professionals explains the work that they do, the satisfaction along with the challenges, and their best advice for being successful in the job. There is a tremendous amount of information within our videos that you can obtain and utilize during the early stages of looking for career change ideas and when finally taking the leap and switching careers. Learn the lingo, get insider tips, and hit the ground running on Candid Career!

Changing Industries
Changing Industries
Using LinkedIn Effectively
Using LinkedIn Effectively
Getting Hired

When switching careers, there are specific skills you will need to demonstrate in the hiring process in order to prove that you can be an asset to a company. With little industry experience, you will have to lean primarily on your general work experience, transferrable attributes and interview skills to land the job you want. Candid Career has a collection of videos to help you identify strengths and improve weaknesses, apply to jobs, and get hired. Videos such as; Resume Writing, Interviewing, Leadership, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Public Speaking and a specific advice video on Changing Industries are just some of the videos in our Get Hired collection that can be of value to those who are switching careers and looking for assistance.