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College Majors
Nonprofit Director
Jessica is the Site Director of the Public Allies Pittsburgh branch. The group's mission is to find local, young change-leaders to take action with community projects in Pittsburgh's neighborhoods.
MBA (Masters), Urban Studies (Bachelor)
City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Real Estate Executive
David is the President and Partner of WCI Partners, a real estate firm based out of Harrisburg, PA. Focused on urban revitalization, David and his company started by finding buildings in troubled sections of Harrisburg and turning them into
flourishing residential neighborhoods. David's advice to students is to hustle and do whatever is necessary to find success. When David started with this company, he was literally on the street picking up trash in these problem neighborhoods.
Now the company, like those neighborhoods, is a flourishing, million-dollar business.
Urban Studies (Bachelor), Community and Reginal Planning (Masters)
City: Harrisburg
State: Pennsylvania
City: Harrisburg
State: Pennsylvania