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College Majors
Larry is a general dentist and practice owner located in Allentown, PA. Larry walks us through a busy day for him, from routine cleanings and exams to complicated surgeries. He also explains how he handles the added complexity of being a business
owner as well.
Biology (Bachelor), Dental Medicine (Doctorate)
City: Allentown
State: Pennsylvania
City: Allentown
State: Pennsylvania
Mary is a dentist and co-owner of Dynamic Dentistry of the Shoals, a family dental practice located in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. With undergraduate degrees in Biology and Chemistry, Mary is equipped to handle the dentistry essentials, from pullings and
fillings to dentures and the dreaded root canals. Find out how to prepare yourself for both dentistry and business ownership!
Biology (Bachelor), Chemistry (Bachelor), Dental Medicine (Doctorate)
City: Muscle Shoals
State: Alabama
City: Muscle Shoals
State: Alabama