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College Majors
External Affairs, Farming
Bette is the Chief External Affairs Officer for Farm Credit of the Virginias, an organization that is part of a nationwide network of lending institutions that provides financing for the agriculture industry. Bette's main role is to advocate for
the farmers and producers in her network, either through working with legislators in the capitol or bringing them out to the area farms to properly educate them on current farming issues.
Animal Science (Bachelor), MBA (Masters)
City: Roanoke
State: Virginia
City: Roanoke
State: Virginia
Industry Relations
Jenna is the Industry Relations Program Manager for the Midwest Dairy Association, an organization that represents dairy farmers across the midwest "to increase dairy sales, foster innovation, and inspire consumer confidence in dairy
products." Jenna spends a large part of her time out in the community running programs to build and increase consumer confidence, including a partnership with the NFL!
Animal Science (Bachelor), Animal Science (Masters)
City: Cokato
State: Minnesota
City: Cokato
State: Minnesota