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College Majors
Agronomy Advisor
Mark is a Master Agronomy Advisor Manager for Land O'Lakes, an agriculture cooperative and household name in dairy products. Mark oversees fifteen Master Agronomy Advisors whose main jobs are to work with farmers on increasing yield as well as
reviewing finances and hiring practices. Mark explains how his team works tirelessly to ensure dairy farmers can continue to meet crop yield goals well into the future.
Agricultural & Food Business Management (Bachelor)
City: Minneapolis
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
State: Minnesota
Quality Control
Caitlin is a Quality Control Supervisor for Hormel Foods, overseeing the quality control team at the plant. With ovens running 24/7, her main goal is to ensure that the plant is following FDA regulations such as preoperative sanitation and oven
temperatures. Caitlin also works on special projects throughout the yeah aimed at improving the plant's efficiency without jeopardizing quality or safety.
Agricultural & Food Business Management (Bachelor)
City: Minneapolis
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
State: Minnesota