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College Majors
Diversity Director
Kelli is the Head of Global Inclusion & Diversity and Corporate Citizenship for the CFA Institute. Based out of Charlottesvile, VA, her main role is to "promote and advance socially responsible practices in the environment, social, and
governance areas for the organization’s operations and activities." In short, Kelli strives to ensure the members of her organization leave the world better than they found it.
Elementary Education (Bachelor), Counselor Education (Masters), Higher Education Administration (Doctorate)
City: Charlottesville
State: Virginia
City: Charlottesville
State: Virginia
Student Affairs
Byron is the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Virginia Tech. Working on the school's campus, Byron is in charge of overseeing the leadership education and community development within the Greek community at Virginia Tech. Byron's
work in the department follow's the school motto, Ut Prosim, or "that I may serve", in order to instill the sense of community and service into future generations.
English (Bachelor), Student Affairs (Masters), Higher Education Administration (Doctorate)
City: Blacksburg
State: Virginia
City: Blacksburg
State: Virginia